Lawn treatments

Pest Control (Leather Jackets & Chafer Grubs)

Leatherjacket Treatment

LeatherjacketOtherwise know as the crane fly or daddy long legs)

Number of Applications – x1 time per year
Timing of Applications – When high larval populations are detected (usually from November onwards)
Application Type – A standard Lawn3 treatment for all lawns.

Leatherjackets are the larvae of the crane fly (daddy long legs). These soil living larvae feed on the roots and stems of grass plants at or below ground level. Lawn 3 apply an insecticide which is the only practical solution for Leatherjackets.


Chafer Grub Treatments

Chafer GrubNumber of Applications – x1 time per year
Timing of Applications – When beetle eggs or grubs are first detected (usually from July onwards)
Application Type – An additional treatment for infested lawns.

Chafer grubs are the larvae of the chafer beetle. They cause problems on lawns by feeding on the roots of grass plants. Lawn 3 apply an insecticide which is the only practical solution for Chafer Grubs